Pipe Freeze Kit CST2
Pipe Freeze Kit CST2
No need to drain water lines, sprinkler systems, or hot water systems before cutting pipe or tubing. The Cold-Shot keeps pressurized systems operating while you make repairs. It freezes all type of liquids in steel, copper, cast iron, aluminum, and plastic pipes ranging from 1/8" to 2" (10 mm – 60 mm) using carbon dioxide (CO2). Dip-tube type cylinders are available at all welding supply houses. The Cold-Shot is faster and less expensive than “refrigerator-type” units; faster and uses less CO2 than “bag-type” units. In five minutes you’re ready to go to work on copper tubing, just three minutes for cast iron pipe.
Cat. No. Model No. Description Weight
118020 CST2 Kit 1. 10 sets freeze head, T-distributor
2. Hex head screwdriver, two high pressure spiral hoses
with injectors, carrying case